Games similar to game of thrones
Games similar to game of thrones

games similar to game of thrones

When the story begins, a decade-long summer is ending, and winter looms as characters battle to claim the "Iron Throne," the seat of the king of the Seven Kingdoms, the regime that rules all but the northern tip of Westeros.

games similar to game of thrones

The series, which premiered in April 2011, is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos in a world where seasons stretch on for years. Game of Thrones is an HBO series that tells the story of a medieval country's civil war. Read along to prepare yourself for the Iron Throne. Whether you need a refresher on the insanity of the last three seasons, or haven't seen a single episode and missed every battle, we've got you covered. The fifth season is currently showing on HBO. In the four years since Game of Thrones premiered, phrases like "winter is coming" and "valar morghulis" have entered the American lexicon, leaving fans eager for the Sunday-night show full of backstabbing, bloodletting, and fiery dragons.

Games similar to game of thrones